Own your dream home

With Rentmax Finance

Access your growth potential with Rentmax finance
Phone today for a free quote (07) 3914 5400

How it works

Rentmax can assist with:

Construction Funding

Renovation Finance

Interest Rate Negotiation

Home Loan Comparisons

Mortgage Refinancing

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Home Loans

Rentmax makes owning your dream home a reality. Our experience in finding the best finance for corporate vehicle fleets, equipment and IT solutions means we are well equipped to help with consumer home loans.

Whether it’s your first home or an addition to your property portfolio, Rentmax can assist you in brokering the best deal. Our commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction means we scour the market for the perfect loan for your budget, desired property and mortgage length.

With Rentmax you’ll own your dream home in no time, with a wider range of options and less cost.

How We Help

We are a specialist finance company servicing individual, corporate, and commercial clients across all asset classes throughout Australia.